Sekinan Paper

28 January 2022

Sekinan Library 1986 / SRFL 2003



Sekinan Library  1986

Sekinan Geometry  2020


Sekinan Essay 2022 

Sekinan Paper 2022

Sekinan Index 2022


Sekinan Data 2022

SRFL Group

SRFL Geometry 
SRFL Note 
SRFL Theory
Geometrization Language


Sekinan Group

Sekinan Library 
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Sekinan Study
Sekinan Essay
Sekinan Paper
Sekinan Archaeology
Sekinan MathBasis
Sekinan Ideogram 
Quantum-Nerve Theory 


New Sekinan Group

Sekinan Library
Sekinan Geometry 
Sekinan Index 
Sekinan Paper 
Sekinan Essay
Sekinan Early
Sekinan Middle 
Sekinan Modern

Sekinan Energy
Sekinan Signal 

Sekinan Nerve 

SIL Group

SIL News


Website Group




QNT News 
SRFL News 
Sekinan Table 
Sekinan Data

SRFL Data 
Sekinan Days
Sekinan View

Site Name History

SRFL has uploaded the papers on language universals since 2003, when the site name was using
Now its name is not adopted by not-using the self-managed website.

From 2014, I have mainly used Weebly site titled Sekinan initials. So crowned Sekinan sites contain mainly early papers and essays although being renewed appropriately. Also I have used Wix site for invitation being named SIL initials.

But the papers have gradually increased. In 2016 I have newly used Webnode site for the reason storing up more papers easily.  Webnode sites are titled mainly SRFL initials, which papers are from Middle to Present.    

Besides Weebly and Webnode, I have used Website, Site 123 for simplified and invitational  sites, so these sites are almost Modern papers and essays and understandable invitation articles to the study of language. Contained papers are rather few but probably more readable, especially to the first visiting learners of language problems, naming is ENSILA for Website and Sekinan for Site 123.

Now I have used Webnode for garner of papers and essays. Site123 is for classification by themes. Webnode's SRFL is adopted to invitational site for the time being. 

3 September 2020
28 January 2022
12 February 2022
22 February 2022
Sekinan Library

Story To Winter RI Ko 2015. A youth who had learnt Language Universals from the oriental linguistic history. Translate by Google

To Winter
Hills West Tree

Tall buildings look bluish green. A wide road runs from north to south under the elevated city line, and trams slowly travel there. When you get off the station and go a little south on the sidewalk, you will arrive at A’s residence. The first floor is a tin shop and lives on the second floor up the external stairs. It ‘s a murky room that has been used like a storeroom, but it’s bright because the windows are on the east side facing the road and on the north side of the station. When he got off at this station for the first time, he was somehow attracted to the scenery with a dull tall building under the cloudy sky, and he left the sticker of the rental house that he noticed immediately after starting walking...

Theme Paper 2003-2017 and Others

  •   11/08/2020 07:33 PM

Person 2

  •   11/08/2020 05:51 PM


  •   11/08/2020 05:49 PM

SRFL Lab Paper

Quantum-Signal 2020

Zoho Theory and Paper

12/08/2020 11:57

Quantum space through Poisson manifold’s deformation quantization by Kontsevich. Translated by Google translate

11/08/2020 18:40

Ideogram Paper 1-18 With Addition. Total Edition

11/08/2020 16:54

Paper 2019

Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Note, Note 2 and Note 3 added

18/02/2020 23:03

What is Ideogram? Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

16/11/2019 13:59

Quantum-Nerve Theory With References

14/10/2019 17:39

Ideogram Paper 1-15

14/10/2019 17:14

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

01/10/2019 19:56

Place where Quantum of Language Exists 2004-2008

30/09/2019 19:34

In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important themes and targets of mathematics for us all

25/09/2019 21:10

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003-2019 Newly revised edition with Note 3

16/08/2019 16:06

What is signal? Contents 24 April 2019

16/08/2019 16:02

What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019

16/08/2019 15:58

Energy in language 2008

01/05/2019 19:32

What is signal? Preface-Comment Edition 21 November 2018 - 13 April 2019

13/04/2019 18:00

What is signal? The existence that generates language Preface-Main Issue 3 / 17 March 2019

17/03/2019 18:38

ENSILA What is signal? Paper 1-6

11/03/2019 13:23

What is signal? Completed Zoho Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 22:31

What is signal? Preparation 2 / 8 Signal / Over Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 19:30

Site All

10 Extracts from Tale, Print, 2012

Sekinan View

Zoho Search

Zoho Site

Genealogical Tree 7th Edition




Paper Category

Paper Category Contents 2003-2018

14/08/2018 17:41

Paper Category

12/08/2018 23:39

QGL Paper

What is signal? The existence that generates language Preface, Preparation and Preparation 2 6 January 2019

06/01/2019 19:26

Language and Spacetime, Symmetry Flow Language and Symmetry Flow Language 2 Contents 2007

29/12/2018 22:27

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 29 December 2018 Preparation Over Edition

29/12/2018 19:10

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 21 December 2018 Edition

21/12/2018 22:06

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 13 December 2018 Edition

13/12/2018 17:38

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 6 December Edition

06/12/2018 16:02

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 1 December Edition

01/12/2018 17:19

Place where Quantum of Language Exists

01/12/2018 16:18

Macro Time and Micro Time

22/11/2018 13:49

Quantum Group Language Word Indexed and Word Synthesized

14/07/2018 18:41

QGL Preparation

Days Paper

Term Paper

Ideogram Paper Enlarged Edition

Theme Paper

Sekinan View Paper

Book Paper 2016

Concept Paper 2018

Ideogram Paper 2005-2018

Time Paper 2013-2014

From Hodge diamond of mirror symmetry by KONTSEVICH to mirror language

Preparatory Paper 2 for Quantum Group Theory

Quantum space through Poisson manifold's deformation quantization by Kontsevich

Ideogram Approach

Pre-history for Quantum Group Language

Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002 / I briefly wrote about the conjecture

Meaning minimum 2017 Edition On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcevskij and CHINO Eiichi

Operad Meaning Theory From Cell to Operad Revised Edition

Operad Meaning Theory From Cell to Operad

In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important themes and targets of mathematics for us all

Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language

Floer Homology Language Note 7 Quantization of Language

Symplectic Language Theory Note 6 Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH

Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry 7th edition

Paper 2

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008 adding their days and after

13/08/2018 22:23

The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory

13/08/2018 19:08

Concept Paper

04/08/2018 22:12

Basis of Study 2015

03/08/2018 19:57

File Till Spring 2007

31/07/2018 22:37

Methodical Paper

31/07/2018 18:45

Algebraic Geometry Appendix of Language Universal Models

31/07/2018 18:34

Language Universal Models

31/07/2018 12:21

Language Universal Models sekinanlum Edition

31/07/2018 12:11

Description 2013-2018

30/07/2018 20:04

For MAC LANE Saunders Categorical Approach toward Language 

29/07/2018 19:24

Zoho Site

29/07/2018 13:52

Derived Category Language

29/07/2018 13:31

Ideogram Paper

28/07/2018 23:50

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Contents

14/07/2018 12:21

Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language

13/07/2018 23:55

Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language

13/07/2018 23:47

Theory 2003-2016

13/07/2018 23:39

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

13/07/2018 23:11

Recent Themes 2014

11/07/2018 11:54

Character encloses the time of word

11/07/2018 11:36

Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics

09/07/2018 16:59

Perhaps Return to Physics TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory PDF Edition added

09/07/2018 16:34

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

06/07/2018 19:38

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018

04/07/2018 23:03


Lineation For CHOMSKY Noam 2005

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion 2014, 2018 and 2018 United Edition

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement 2014

From Additional Meaning to Dimension Decrease Conjecture Three Conjecture's Digest Edition 2018

Quantum Theory for Language Theoretical Summarization and Problem in Future

The Complete Works of WANG Guowei

Roger Penrose

John F. Nash, Jr.

Andre Martinet

Read Andre Weil

Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language

On Time Property Inherent in Characters

Concept of Distance

Presupposition on Natural Language

Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion

Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory. PDF Text added

Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory


The Days of Ideogram Ideogram from hieroglyph to LATEX Symbol List Note added Edition

Pre-history for Quantum Group Language

Simplicial Space Language Composition of Word

Noncommutative Distance Theory Note 2 C*-Algebra

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Conjecture 1 Finiteness in Infinity on Language

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Contents

Quantum Theory for Language

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Note added

Zoho paper by year

Paper of Zoho

Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition

Paper 2008-2015

Paper 2007-2008

Paper 2003-2006

Broad Language

Determination of concept, Broad Language

Letter to Y. Of the century of language

Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition


The comparison between 2003 and 2017 From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals

Energy of language

Manuscript 2003

Geometrization Language

Read more:

20 August
Sekinan Geometry Modern

Geometrization Language Paper

Geometrization 2020

Zoho Theory and Paper

12/08/2020 11:55

Preparation for Geometrization Language

11/08/2020 19:28

Quantum space through Poisson manifold’s deformation quantization by Kontsevich. Translated by Google translate

11/08/2020 18:37

Ideogram Paper 1-18 With Addition. Total Edition

10/08/2020 23:06

Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Edition 5 February 2018. Translated by Google translate 2020

24/07/2020 17:14

Sites of Sekinan Library

09/07/2020 22:48

Perelman's Approach 2

30/06/2020 14:32

Sekinan Energy. 2020

28/06/2020 17:35

Language and Spacetime Shift of Time From SAPIR Edward to KAWAMATA Yujiro. 2007

24/06/2020 18:50

Letter to RM From Ideogram to Quantum-Nerve Theory QNT. 23 November 2019

23/06/2020 19:33

Abstract from Wellspring, Energy and Brownian Motion of Language 2008. Related Papers added 2020

20/06/2020 22:55

Wellspring Connect Orient and West at Meaning. 2008

20/06/2020 22:53

Geometry is the only one expression for me to describe language universals containing the time which is one of the important elements of meaning. 2017. Translated by Google translate 2020

19/06/2020 23:04

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. 2018. Note on David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 2020

10/06/2020 19:10

Interpretation on Perelman’s work, Ricci flow and Geometrization conjecture by KOBAYASHI Ryoichi. Tokyo. 2011. Enlarged Edition 2020

10/06/2020 16:53

Perelman's Approach 2 Revised Edition

08/06/2020 19:27

Letter to WPM 2019-2020

08/06/2020 19:04

Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 7 June 2020

08/06/2020 19:00

QNT Paper

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019. Translated by Google translate 2020

07/05/2020 19:12

Quantum Theory for Language / 15 January 2004

26/04/2020 19:06

Quantum-Nerve Theory With References. 2019

11/03/2020 16:51

QNT Basis

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008 adding their days and after A conclusion for the present on early papers of Sekinan Library. 2018

08/05/2020 19:16

The Complete Works of WANG Guowei, Revised. 2012

06/05/2020 22:31

To Winter. RI Ko. 2015. 3 Inscription of ancient China. Translated by Google translate 2020

06/05/2020 19:08

Letter to Y. Toward geometrization of language 8 January 2018. Translated by Google translate 2020

05/05/2020 22:47

To Winter RI Ko. 14 John Peabody Harrington, Roman Jakobson, FUKAYA Kenji, Maxim Kontsevich, ZHANG BInglin and Roger Penrose 14 Description of Language. 2015. Translated by Google translate 2020

05/05/2020 18:29

Sayama Assumption on Language. 2012

05/05/2020 18:28

Letter to O and Letter to Y. 2018

04/05/2020 19:21

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019. Original Japanese Edition

03/05/2020 19:34

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019. Translated by Google translate 2020

03/05/2020 19:29

Prague in 1920s

26/04/2020 17:36

To Distance Theory and Reversion Theory / At the campus of university Abstract from The letter to O. again. 2 January 2018

26/04/2020 17:21

Letter to WPL Abstract from 4 February 2020

25/04/2020 22:55

1960s, 1970s, KIYOOKA Takayuki' poem, Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Quantum-Nerve Theory 2020 / P.S. 3 8 February 2020

25/04/2020 22:36

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 2018-2019 and Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003. Note 2, 2 May 2019

25/04/2020 22:33

Sixties, Luxun or Maodun, CHINO Eiichi Russian and KAJIMURA Hideki Korean and MAEDA Yoichi French. Note, 30 November 2014

25/04/2020 22:29

French Symbolism, Martinet, Bourbaki and Sergej Karcevskij. Note, 28 October 2014

25/04/2020 22:24

Language and Spacetime Time Flow in Word For KOHARI Akihiro and His Time

24/04/2020 22:29

Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 5th Edition

09/04/2020 20:02

Distance Theory Historical Review

07/04/2020 23:03

Hyperbolic Language Connection of Words. 2012-2020

07/04/2020 22:56

Distance of Word

07/04/2020 22:37

How is the time alive in language?

05/04/2020 19:51

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003-2019 Newly revised edition with Note 3

02/04/2020 19:39

Essence of Language Seeing the exhibition TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE, Tokyo National Museum

18/03/2020 22:24

Farewell to Language Universals

18/03/2020 19:40

Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague with References

18/03/2020 19:39

Letter to WPM On the Root of Language. 23 February 2020

11/03/2020 19:15

The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory 2014

11/03/2020 17:39

From Edward Sapir's theme 3rd Edition. 2019

11/03/2020 17:35

Ideogram Paper 1-16 With Addition

11/03/2020 16:39

QNT Prep

Theme Paper 2003-2017 and Others

18/03/2020 22:37

Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition

11/03/2020 19:34

Letter to WPM. 15 November 2019 - 23 February 2020

11/03/2020 19:18

Edward Sapir, Language, 1921 Revised

11/03/2020 17:37

Paper 2020

Why I started Quantum-Nerve Theory? Note and Note 2 for The Time of Language. 2012, 2014 and 2019

07/03/2020 19:29

The root of language is in the discreteness. / All the information of language are generated from this simple structure which supposition is derived from Flux Conjecture, Lemma 1 and Lemma 2. 2014-2019 / With Note 2020

23/02/2020 19:50

Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Note, Note 2 and Note 3 added

18/02/2020 23:01

Quantum-Nerve Theory With References

17/02/2020 19:25

Paper 2019

From Edward Sapir' theme Revised

01/11/2019 15:50

Ideogram Paper 1-16 With Addition

01/11/2019 15:37

Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Edition With Note

01/11/2019 15:32

Quantum-Nerve Theory Abbreviation : QNT

01/11/2019 14:44

What is signal? Completed Zoho Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 22:28

What is signal? Till Preparation 2 8 Signal / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 19:11


Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Frame-Sentence Language Boundary

For WITTGENSTEIN Ludvig. First edition / 10 December 2005

Determination of concept, Broad Language

Language Universal Models from sekinanlum

Grassmann Language

Hyperbolic Language Connection of Words

Concept of Distance

Boundary of Language

Through Models to Language Universals

Of Broad Language

Language Universal Models

Recent historical reviews for language universals

Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition

Letter to Y. A little about change of the era

Letter to Y. Of Broad Language The 3rd edition

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008 adding their days and after

Stable and Unstable of Language For the Supposition of KARCEVSKIJ Sergej Completion of Language

Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry 7th edition

Being led by Karcevskij's conjecture Reference added

Energy Distance Theory

Distance Theory

Reversion Theory

Interpretation of Reversion conjecture

Reversion Conjecture Revised

Flow of Language

Disposition of Language

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement

Papers on language dimension In chronological order Note added on 30 December 2017

The Days of Ideogram Ideogram from hieroglyph to LATEX Symbol List

Papers on language dimension In chronological order

Boundary of Words

Why is boundary necessary in language?

Zoho paper

Zoho paper

Basis of the further study on language – Potential

Paper and Essay 2015

Noncommutative Distance Theory

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement

Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language

Operad Meaning Theory From Cell to Operad

Clifford Algebra Note 7 Creation Operator and Annihilation Operator

Complex Manifold Deformation Theory Conjecture A 2 Reflection of Word

Quantification of Quantum

Conjectures for meaning in 2009

Additional Meaning in Word with Note

Papers on language dimension In chronological order

Energy Distance Theory

Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language

Mathematical description for three elements of language universals

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002

Quantum Theory for Language

On Time Property Inherent in Characters

Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry

Three Themes on Language

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language

The comparison between 2003 and 2017 From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals

Paper History of Sekinan Library, SRFL and SIL

Methodical Paper

Specified Theme

Recent Paper 3 Energy of language

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement

At least three elements for language universals

Early Paper

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Note added

Distance Theory

Methodical Paper


Interpretation on Perelman's work, Ricci flow and Geometrization conjecture by KOBAYASHI Ryoichi

02/02/2016 16:43

Work of Perelman

01/02/2016 13:18

The books on Grisha Perelman

01/02/2016 13:15

Preliminary 2

Disposition of Language

Supposition on Dimension

Being led by Karcevskij's conjecture

Language and Dimension

In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important theme and target of mathematics for us all

Preparatory 8 Geometry For Geometrization Language

Preparatory 1-8 Total For Geometrization Language

Energy Distance Theory Conjecture 2 Geometry of Word

Preparatory 7 Reversion For Geometrization Language

Preparatory 6 Disposition For Geometrization Language

Preparatory Preface 1-7 Total For Geometrization Language

Preparatory 5 Time For Geometrization Language

Preparatory 1-4 Total For Geometrization Language

Preparatory 4 Dimension For Geometrization Language

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language - Note added

Preparatory 3 Distance For Geometrization Language

Preparatory 2 Energy For Geometrization Language

Preparatory 1 Boundary For Geometrization Language

Distance Theory Historical Review

Geometrization language Preparation 9 December 2017

Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language

Mathematical description for three elements of language universals From At least three elements for language universals

Preparation for the energy of language

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement

Recent Themes 2014

At least three elements for language universals

Basis of the further study on language – Potential


Flow of Language

27/11/2017 23:47

Distance of Word

27/11/2017 23:44

Disposition of Language

27/11/2017 20:04

Recent Themes 2014

27/11/2017 20:00

Floer Homology Language Note 1 Potential of Language

11/11/2017 19:49

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002 / I briefly wrote about the conjecture

10/11/2017 18:29

Preparation for the energy of language

01/02/2016 15:54

Geometrization Note 1 - Note 2

01/02/2016 15:38

Geometrization Note 1

01/02/2016 15:36

Geometrization Note 2

01/02/2016 15:33

Energy Distance Theory Note 1 Energy and Distance

01/02/2016 13:26

The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory

01/02/2016 13:24

Perelman's Approach 2

31/01/2016 20:25

Perelman's Approach 1

31/01/2016 20:20

Read more:

21 August 2020
Sekinan Geometry Modern

SRFL Theory Paper


Appendix of Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace

05/09/2017 14:16

Zoho Paper

24/08/2017 13:25

Theory 2003 - 2016

23/08/2017 12:30

Theory Contents

19/08/2017 23:35

Homology Language

09/07/2017 18:14

Derived Category Language, 23 July 2016 Edition

23/07/2016 13:04

Preparation for Geometrization Language

27/08/2015 12:45

Website launched

27/08/2015 05:09

Paper 2020

Why I started Quantum-Nerve Theory? Note and Note 2 for The Time of Language

17/03/2020 19:19

Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Note, Note 2 and Note 3 added

18/02/2020 22:55

Quantum-Nerve Theory With References

17/02/2020 19:09

Conceptive Models

15/02/2020 18:44

What is signal? The existence that generates language. From ENSILA

15/02/2020 16:20

Theory 2018-2019

Chronicle Early Paper 2004-2008

06/12/2019 19:52

SEKINAN MATHBASIS. Model Simplified Level 2. Flash picture. 2005

06/12/2019 19:22

WHAT for Language 1-3

16/11/2019 15:09

What is Ideogram? Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

16/11/2019 13:57

Appendix of Memorial Essay 2016

07/11/2019 19:27

Language Comprised of Quantum Revised 2019

07/11/2019 18:20

Language Comprised of Quantum

07/11/2019 18:00

Chronicle 2003-2008

07/11/2019 17:08

Pre-theory of Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

07/11/2019 14:46

Quantum-Nerve Theory With References

29/10/2019 22:30

Ideogram Paper 1-16 With Addition

29/10/2019 22:27

Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

04/10/2019 16:25

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve For father and mother 21 November 2018-22 December 2018

02/08/2019 13:06

From Quantum Theory for Language to Languagequantum theory / 16 July 2019 Edition

16/07/2019 19:41

Energy in language 2008

01/05/2019 19:27

ENSILA Preliminary Paper

29/04/2019 19:49

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018

24/04/2019 19:28

What is signal? Contents 24 April 2019

24/04/2019 18:58

What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019

23/04/2019 19:33

What is signal? Preface-Comment Edition 21 November 2018 - 13 April 2019

13/04/2019 18:04

What is signal? The existence that generates language Preface-Main Issue 5 Time and Ideogram 2 April 2019

05/04/2019 19:41

What is signal? Preface, Preparation and Preparation 2 Completed Zoho Edition Blogger Edition PDF Edition

29/01/2019 19:45

What is signal? Completed Zoho Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 22:30

What is signal? Preparation 2 Signal 8 / Over Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 19:23

Language and Spacetime, Symmetry Flow Language and Symmetry Flow Language 2 Contents 2007 Reprint 2018

29/12/2018 22:35

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 29 December 2018 Preparation Over Edition

29/12/2018 19:18

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 22 December 2018

22/12/2018 18:33


Perhaps Return to Physics

07/06/2016 19:19

Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague

03/06/2016 11:35

Derived Category Language, 25 May 2016 Edition

25/05/2016 21:08

Derived Category Language 3

25/05/2016 20:37

Language stability and triangulated category

23/05/2016 23:23


23/05/2016 20:23

Sekinan Archive - Invitation to language universals

23/05/2016 16:07

Additional meaning and embedding

23/05/2016 12:45

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002

21/05/2016 00:43

Derived Category Language 2 Kawamata Conjecture

19/05/2016 23:08

Bridge across mathematics and physics / Revised

19/05/2016 20:48

Derived Category Language 1 Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture / References added

19/05/2016 14:15

Symplectic Language Theory

19/05/2016 13:21

Derived Category Language 1, Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture

18/05/2016 00:23

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Contents

14/05/2016 13:50

Bridge across mathematics and physics

13/05/2016 20:11

Kontsevich's conjecture Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture

10/05/2016 22:51

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language

07/05/2016 13:58

Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition

28/01/2016 20:11

Sekinan Zoho, New paper compile site of Sekinan

26/01/2016 20:19


IYANAGA Shokichi's An Introduction to Geometry. Tokyo. 1968

26/01/2016 19:47

The books on Grisha Perelman

26/01/2016 19:44

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement

31/08/2015 16:02

At least three elements for language universals

31/08/2015 12:29

Distance of Word

31/08/2015 11:59

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 2 Distance

31/08/2015 11:57

Reversion Theory

31/08/2015 11:56

Distance Theory

31/08/2015 11:54


Boundary of Words

30/01/2016 11:26

Why is boundary necessary in language?

30/01/2016 11:25

Energy Distance Theory Note 1 Energy and Distance

30/01/2016 10:44

The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory

29/01/2016 22:50

Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition

01/09/2015 19:19

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language

31/08/2015 17:39

Read more:

22 August 2020
Sekinan Geometry Modern

Sekinan Table
January 2017-March 2019

SRFL Geometry


Energy of language Till 2015

30/10/2021 19:29

What is Ideogram? Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

30/10/2021 19:21

Article archive Theory and Paper 2003-2021

30/10/2021 19:15

Nerve Theory 2021

Letter to WPM and Sebastian. After Language Universals, After Linguistics 3 September 2021. PPS added 21 October 2021

21/10/2021 18:25

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019. Treanslated by Auto Google

19/10/2021 14:10

Abstract from Wellspring, Energy and Brownian Motion of Language 2008. Related Papers added 2020

19/10/2021 14:07

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. 2018. Note on David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 2020

19/10/2021 14:05

Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 7 June 2020

13/05/2021 17:42

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. 2018. Note on David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 2020

13/05/2021 17:09

Nerve theory Preparation 2021

10/05/2021 18:31

Word as Infinite loop Space

06/05/2021 22:33

On dimension, synthesis, reversion, time, energy-distance, boundary, change’s power and structure

06/05/2021 19:47

Parts and Whole 2013

04/05/2021 18:30

Additional meaning and embedding

04/05/2021 17:59

Hyperbolic Language Connection of Words

04/05/2021 17:57

Diophantine Language Dimension of Words

04/05/2021 17:56

Letter to WPM. On Nerve Theory. 29 April 2021. References 1. 2. and 3. added 30 April 2021.

30/04/2021 18:33

Energy in language 2008-2009

30/04/2021 13:10

What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019

29/04/2021 19:51

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. 2018. Note on David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 2020

29/04/2021 16:27

Quantum-Signal 2020

Zoho Theory and Paper

12/08/2020 11:57

Quantum space through Poisson manifold’s deformation quantization by Kontsevich. Translated by Google translate

11/08/2020 18:40

Ideogram Paper 1-18 With Addition. Total Edition

11/08/2020 16:54

Paper 2019

Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Note, Note 2 and Note 3 added

18/02/2020 23:03

What is Ideogram? Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

16/11/2019 13:59

Quantum-Nerve Theory With References

14/10/2019 17:39

Ideogram Paper 1-15

14/10/2019 17:14

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

01/10/2019 19:56

Place where Quantum of Language Exists 2004-2008

30/09/2019 19:34

In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important themes and targets of mathematics for us all

25/09/2019 21:10

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003-2019 Newly revised edition with Note 3

16/08/2019 16:06

What is signal? Contents 24 April 2019

16/08/2019 16:02

What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019

16/08/2019 15:58

Energy in language 2008

01/05/2019 19:32

What is signal? Preface-Comment Edition 21 November 2018 - 13 April 2019

13/04/2019 18:00

What is signal? The existence that generates language Preface-Main Issue 3 / 17 March 2019

17/03/2019 18:38

ENSILA What is signal? Paper 1-6

11/03/2019 13:23

What is signal? Completed Zoho Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 22:31

What is signal? Preparation 2 / 8 Signal / Over Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 19:30

Site All

10 Extracts from Tale, Print, 2012

Sekinan View

Zoho Search

Zoho Site

Genealogical Tree 7th Edition



Paper Category

Paper Category Contents 2003-2018

14/08/2018 17:41

Paper Category

12/08/2018 23:39

QGL Paper

What is signal? The existence that generates language Preface, Preparation and Preparation 2 6 January 2019

06/01/2019 19:26

Language and Spacetime, Symmetry Flow Language and Symmetry Flow Language 2 Contents 2007

29/12/2018 22:27

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 29 December 2018 Preparation Over Edition

29/12/2018 19:10

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 21 December 2018 Edition

21/12/2018 22:06

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 13 December 2018 Edition

13/12/2018 17:38

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 6 December Edition

06/12/2018 16:02

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 1 December Edition

01/12/2018 17:19

Place where Quantum of Language Exists

01/12/2018 16:18

Macro Time and Micro Time

22/11/2018 13:49

Quantum Group Language Word Indexed and Word Synthesized

14/07/2018 18:41

QGL Preparation

Days Paper

Term Paper

Ideogram Paper Enlarged Edition

Theme Paper

Sekinan View Paper

Book Paper 2016

Concept Paper 2018

Ideogram Paper 2005-2018

Time Paper 2013-2014

From Hodge diamond of mirror symmetry by KONTSEVICH to mirror language

Preparatory Paper 2 for Quantum Group Theory

Quantum space through Poisson manifold's deformation quantization by Kontsevich

Ideogram Approach

Pre-history for Quantum Group Language

Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002 / I briefly wrote about the conjecture

Meaning minimum 2017 Edition On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcevskij and CHINO Eiichi

Operad Meaning Theory From Cell to Operad Revised Edition

Operad Meaning Theory From Cell to Operad

In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important themes and targets of mathematics for us all

Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language

Floer Homology Language Note 7 Quantization of Language

Symplectic Language Theory Note 6 Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH

Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry 7th edition

Paper 2

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008 adding their days and after

13/08/2018 22:23

The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory

13/08/2018 19:08

Concept Paper

04/08/2018 22:12

Basis of Study 2015

03/08/2018 19:57

File Till Spring 2007

31/07/2018 22:37

Methodical Paper

31/07/2018 18:45

Algebraic Geometry Appendix of Language Universal Models

31/07/2018 18:34

Language Universal Models

31/07/2018 12:21

Language Universal Models sekinanlum Edition

31/07/2018 12:11

Description 2013-2018

30/07/2018 20:04

For MAC LANE Saunders Categorical Approach toward Language 

29/07/2018 19:24

Zoho Site

29/07/2018 13:52

Derived Category Language

29/07/2018 13:31

Ideogram Paper

28/07/2018 23:50

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Contents

14/07/2018 12:21

Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language

13/07/2018 23:55

Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language

13/07/2018 23:47

Theory 2003-2016

13/07/2018 23:39

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

13/07/2018 23:11

Recent Themes 2014

11/07/2018 11:54

Character encloses the time of word

11/07/2018 11:36

Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics

09/07/2018 16:59

Perhaps Return to Physics TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory PDF Edition added

09/07/2018 16:34

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

06/07/2018 19:38

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018

04/07/2018 23:03


Lineation For CHOMSKY Noam 2005

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion 2014, 2018 and 2018 United Edition

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement 2014

From Additional Meaning to Dimension Decrease Conjecture Three Conjecture's Digest Edition 2018

Quantum Theory for Language Theoretical Summarization and Problem in Future

The Complete Works of WANG Guowei

Roger Penrose

John F. Nash, Jr.

Andre Martinet

Read Andre Weil

Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language

On Time Property Inherent in Characters

Concept of Distance

Presupposition on Natural Language

Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion

Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory. PDF Text added

Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory


The Days of Ideogram Ideogram from hieroglyph to LATEX Symbol List Note added Edition

Pre-history for Quantum Group Language

Simplicial Space Language Composition of Word

Noncommutative Distance Theory Note 2 C*-Algebra

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Conjecture 1 Finiteness in Infinity on Language

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Contents

Quantum Theory for Language

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Note added

Zoho paper by year

Paper of Zoho

Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition

Paper 2008-2015

Paper 2007-2008

Paper 2003-2006

Broad Language

Determination of concept, Broad Language

Letter to Y. Of the century of language

Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition


The comparison between 2003 and 2017 From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals

Energy of language

Manuscript 2003

Geometrization Language

Read more:

 SRFL Note

Theory and Paper

Theory and Paper 2003-2021

28/09/2021 19:31


Article Archive 2020

30/11/2020 23:33

Paper 2018-2019

Chronicle Early Paper 2004-2008

06/12/2019 19:53

How the language has been sought for ? 1-8 2019

29/05/2019 23:04

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language With Contents, Preface, Note, Note2 / 26 May 2019

26/05/2019 19:58

What is signal? Contents 24 April 2019

20/05/2019 19:37

What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019

20/05/2019 19:34

Energy in language 2008

01/05/2019 19:30

What is signal? Preface-Comment Edition 21 November 2018 - 13 April 2019

13/04/2019 19:36

ENSILA What is signal? Paper 1-6

11/03/2019 14:14

What is signal? The existence that generates language Preface-Preparation 2 Total Edition / 8 January 2019

08/01/2019 17:23

Language and Spacetime, Symmetry Flow Language and Symmetry Flow Language 2 Contents 2007 Reprinted 2018

29/12/2018 22:37

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 29 December 2018 Preparation Over Edition

29/12/2018 19:22

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 22 December 2018

22/12/2018 18:30


Story. To Winter. Author RI Ko. Publisher Sekinan Library. Publish year 2015

04/09/2017 08:50

Derived Category Language, 23 July 2016 Edition

23/07/2016 13:06

Papers on language dimension In chronological order

26/08/2015 13:03

Distance of Word

26/08/2015 12:50

Geometrization Language Note 2

24/08/2015 22:37

Geometrization Language Note

24/08/2015 22:35

Work of Perelman

24/08/2015 22:33

Geometrization Conjecture

24/08/2015 22:31

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented 3 S3 and Hoph Map

16/08/2015 20:44

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented 1 Bend

16/08/2015 20:27

Geometrization Language Note

15/08/2015 22:13

Distance of Word

15/08/2015 22:11

Distance Theory

15/08/2015 22:09

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented 2 Distance

15/08/2015 21:59

Publishing Revolution

15/08/2015 18:40

Distance Theory

15/08/2015 11:14

Work of Perelman

15/08/2015 09:05

W. Thurston, 1980

15/08/2015 09:03

Geometrization Language Note 2

14/08/2015 20:21

Geometrization Language Note

14/08/2015 13:02

Ancient solution

09/08/2015 19:19

Harnack inequality

09/08/2015 19:15

Geometry of Geometrization Conjecture

09/08/2015 19:08

Canonical resoresolution

09/08/2015 19:01

Geometrization Conjecture

09/08/2015 18:53

Poincare Conjecture

09/08/2015 18:46

Parabolic neibourhood

09/08/2015 18:41

Open metric ball

09/08/2015 13:15

Maximum principle

09/08/2015 13:14

Uhlenbeck's trick

09/08/2015 13:09

Developmental equation

09/08/2015 12:55

Epsilon-delta method

07/08/2015 13:25

Heat equation

07/08/2015 12:07

Statistical mechanics system

07/08/2015 11:55

Ricci flow's curvature tensor

07/08/2015 11:44

Ricci flow

06/08/2015 22:35

Ricci soliton

06/08/2015 22:23

Database of SIL

12/11/2014 10:37

Root of Language / 20 September 2014

20/09/2014 10:02

Disposition of Language / with supplement

18/09/2014 20:18

SRFLZoho, mathematical approach to language universals

15/09/2014 19:40

Parts and Whole / 1 September 2014

08/09/2014 21:39

Reread Evelyn Waugh&s Brideshead Revisited

23/08/2014 19:33

Perhaps Return to Physics / 16 August 2014

16/08/2014 23:23

Quantum Theory for Language / 15 January 2004

12/08/2014 21:56

The Complete Works of WANG Guowei / 24 May 2012

12/08/2014 19:08

Max Delbluck From physics to Biology Application to Different Field / 21 July 2012

12/08/2014 10:25

Writing Style of the Papers in 2013

10/08/2014 22:04

Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics

10/08/2014 11:28

Dimension Decrease Conjecture / 1 May 2014

10/08/2014 09:02

Synthesis Conjecture / 1 May 2014

10/08/2014 09:00

Reversion Conjecture Revised / 1 May 2014

08/08/2014 20:30

Roman Jakobson / 16 July 2012

06/08/2014 17:50

Citation from Ludwig Wittgenstein

02/08/2014 21:51

The Time of Wittgenstein

02/08/2014 21:48


02/08/2014 10:22

Tomonaga's Super Multi-time Theory / Clifford Algebra Note 5 / 25 January 2008 / Note added 30 July 2014

30/07/2014 22:11

On Time Property Inherent in Characters

29/07/2014 18:16

The first paper on Inherent time in word at SRFL

26/07/2014 10:18

Character encloses the time of word

24/07/2014 15:05

Curriculum Vitae

23/07/2014 09:23

I need not more wander the book shop streets. / From Tale, Print, 2012

21/07/2014 19:18

Aim / Aim again

21/07/2014 10:48

KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom

20/07/2014 21:47

Aim 2

19/07/2014 17:59

Intuition and Mathematics

19/07/2014 17:50

Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the linguistic Circle of Prague

19/07/2014 09:59

Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Dudualisme asymmetrique du signe linguistique"

19/07/2014 09:40

Preparation for Description on Language

18/07/2014 10:17

Themes on Language Universals

18/07/2014 10:14

Supposition on dimension

17/07/2014 21:38

CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague

17/07/2014 18:58

Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"

17/07/2014 18:51

10 Extracts from Tale, Print, 2012

17/07/2014 12:03

Zariski-Nagata's purity theorem

20/05/2014 18:55

Sekinan Research Field of Language

09/04/2014 21:52

Meaning Minimum

09/04/2014 21:36All articlesItems: 1 - 77 of 77


Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s

24/03/2018 19:38

To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka

08/06/2016 20:14

Perhaps Return to Physics

07/06/2016 19:18

Derived Category Language, 25 May 2016 Edition

25/05/2016 21:04

Derived Category Language 3

25/05/2016 20:56

Language stability and triangulated category

23/05/2016 23:20

Sekinan Archive - Invitation to language universals

23/05/2016 16:04

Additional meaning and embedding

23/05/2016 12:55

Derived Category Language

21/05/2016 22:53

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002

21/05/2016 00:45

Derived Category Language 2 Kawamata Conjecture

20/05/2016 00:07

Derived Category Language 1 Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture / References added

19/05/2016 20:07

Symplectic Language Theory

19/05/2016 13:22

Derived Category Language 1 Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture

18/05/2016 23:08

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Contents

14/05/2016 13:55

Bridge across mathematics and physics

14/05/2016 13:17

Kontsevich's conjecture Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture

10/05/2016 22:59


Flow of Language

Disposition of Language

Distance of Word


Letter to the library. Translated by Google

28/11/2020 17:49

Letter to the library

26/11/2020 17:50


08/08/2015 17:35


29/12/2014 11:42


09/04/2014 23:55

All articles

Items: 1 - 5 of 5


  1. SRFL
  2.  WANG Guowei
  3.  Ludwig Wittgenstein
  4.  physics
  5.  distance
  6.  Geometrization Language
  7.  To my dear friend
  8.  KANEKO Yutaka
  9.  What facts does Three Conjectures for Dimension
  10.  Synthesis and Reversion show us?
  11.  Derived Category Language
  12.  Language stability and triangulated category
  13.  Derived Category Language 3
  14.  25 May 2016 Edition
  15.  WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig
  16.  Quantum Theory for Language
  17.  Prague
  18.  CHINO Eiichi
  19.  Sergej Karcevskij
  20.  Linguistic Circle of Prague
  21.  Dimension
  22.  Reversion
  23.  Prague in 1920s
  24.  Distance
  25.  Pseudo-Kobayashi Distance
  26.  dimension
  27.  reversion
  28.  disposition
  29.  mathematics
  30.  Letter to Y.

Read more:

SRFL Theory


Theory 2003 - 2016


  1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters


  1. Quantum Theory for Language
  2. Distance Theory
  3. Prague Theory
  4. Reversion Theory
  5. Mirror Theory
  6. Mirror Language
  7. Guarantee of Language
  8. Property of Quantum
  9. Quantification of Quantum
  10. Actual Language and Imaginary Language
  11. Guarantee of language
  12. Place where quantum of language exists
  13. Actual language and imaginary language
  14. Property of quantum
  15. Quantification of quantum  
  16. Direction
  17. Uniformity


  1. Changeability
  2. Individuality
  3. Time
  4. Fixation
  5. Grammar
  6. Substantiality
  7. Frame
  8. Recognition
  9. Ideogram
  10. Conversation
  11. Descriptiveness
  12. Lineation
  13. System
  14. Automaton
  15. Vector


  1. Algebraic Linguistics


  1. Clifford Algebra
  2. Energy Distance Theory
  3. Functional Analysis
  4. Holomorphic Meaning Theory
  5. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra
  6. Operator Algebra
  7. Reversion Analysis Theory
  8. Stochastic Meaning Theory
  9. von Neumann Algebra
  10. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory


  1. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
  2. Language Manifold Theory
  3. Topological Group Language Theory
  4. Symplectic Language Theory
  5. Floer Homology Language
  6. Arithmetic Geometry Language


  1. Imaginary Language
  2. Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
  3. Time of WANG Guowei
  4. Stable and Unstable of Language


  1. Projective Space Model
  2. Diophantine Language
  3. Hyperbolic Language
  4. Grassmann Language
  5. Grassmann Language 2
  6. Birational Language
  7. Dual Language
  8. Infinite Loop Space Language


  1. Homotopy Language         
  2. Operad Meaning Theory
  3. Arithmetic Geometry Language 2


  1.  Algebraic Geometry Language


  1. Flow, Time and Dimension of Language
  2. Energy of language


  1. Derived Category Language

Read more:


Appendix of Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace

05/09/2017 14:16

Zoho Paper

24/08/2017 13:25

Theory 2003 - 2016

23/08/2017 12:30

Theory Contents

19/08/2017 23:35

Homology Language

09/07/2017 18:14

Derived Category Language, 23 July 2016 Edition

23/07/2016 13:04

Preparation for Geometrization Language

27/08/2015 12:45

Website launched

27/08/2015 05:09

Paper 2020

Why I started Quantum-Nerve Theory? Note and Note 2 for The Time of Language

17/03/2020 19:19

Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Note, Note 2 and Note 3 added

18/02/2020 22:55

Quantum-Nerve Theory With References

17/02/2020 19:09

Conceptive Models

15/02/2020 18:44

What is signal? The existence that generates language. From ENSILA

15/02/2020 16:20

Theory 2018-2019

Chronicle Early Paper 2004-2008

06/12/2019 19:52

SEKINAN MATHBASIS. Model Simplified Level 2. Flash picture. 2005

06/12/2019 19:22

WHAT for Language 1-3

16/11/2019 15:09

What is Ideogram? Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

16/11/2019 13:57

Appendix of Memorial Essay 2016

07/11/2019 19:27

Language Comprised of Quantum Revised 2019

07/11/2019 18:20

Language Comprised of Quantum

07/11/2019 18:00

Chronicle 2003-2008

07/11/2019 17:08

Pre-theory of Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

07/11/2019 14:46

Quantum-Nerve Theory With References

29/10/2019 22:30

Ideogram Paper 1-16 With Addition

29/10/2019 22:27

Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

04/10/2019 16:25

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve For father and mother 21 November 2018-22 December 2018

02/08/2019 13:06

From Quantum Theory for Language to Languagequantum theory / 16 July 2019 Edition

16/07/2019 19:41

Energy in language 2008

01/05/2019 19:27

ENSILA Preliminary Paper

29/04/2019 19:49

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018

24/04/2019 19:28

What is signal? Contents 24 April 2019

24/04/2019 18:58

What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019

23/04/2019 19:33

What is signal? Preface-Comment Edition 21 November 2018 - 13 April 2019

13/04/2019 18:04

What is signal? The existence that generates language Preface-Main Issue 5 Time and Ideogram 2 April 2019

05/04/2019 19:41

What is signal? Preface, Preparation and Preparation 2 Completed Zoho Edition Blogger Edition PDF Edition

29/01/2019 19:45

What is signal? Completed Zoho Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 22:30

What is signal? Preparation 2 Signal 8 / Over Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 19:23

Language and Spacetime, Symmetry Flow Language and Symmetry Flow Language 2 Contents 2007 Reprint 2018

29/12/2018 22:35

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 29 December 2018 Preparation Over Edition

29/12/2018 19:18

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 22 December 2018

22/12/2018 18:33


Perhaps Return to Physics

07/06/2016 19:19

Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague

03/06/2016 11:35

Derived Category Language, 25 May 2016 Edition

25/05/2016 21:08

Derived Category Language 3

25/05/2016 20:37

Language stability and triangulated category

23/05/2016 23:23


23/05/2016 20:23

Sekinan Archive - Invitation to language universals

23/05/2016 16:07

Additional meaning and embedding

23/05/2016 12:45

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002

21/05/2016 00:43

Derived Category Language 2 Kawamata Conjecture

19/05/2016 23:08

Bridge across mathematics and physics / Revised

19/05/2016 20:48

Derived Category Language 1 Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture / References added

19/05/2016 14:15

Symplectic Language Theory

19/05/2016 13:21

Derived Category Language 1, Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture

18/05/2016 00:23

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Contents

14/05/2016 13:50

Bridge across mathematics and physics

13/05/2016 20:11

Kontsevich's conjecture Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture

10/05/2016 22:51

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language

07/05/2016 13:58

Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition

28/01/2016 20:11

Sekinan Zoho, New paper compile site of Sekinan

26/01/2016 20:19


IYANAGA Shokichi's An Introduction to Geometry. Tokyo. 1968

26/01/2016 19:47

The books on Grisha Perelman

26/01/2016 19:44

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement

31/08/2015 16:02

At least three elements for language universals

31/08/2015 12:29

Distance of Word

31/08/2015 11:59

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 2 Distance

31/08/2015 11:57

Reversion Theory

31/08/2015 11:56

Distance Theory

31/08/2015 11:54


Boundary of Words

30/01/2016 11:26

Why is boundary necessary in language?

30/01/2016 11:25

Energy Distance Theory Note 1 Energy and Distance

30/01/2016 10:44

The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory

29/01/2016 22:50

Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition

01/09/2015 19:19

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language

31/08/2015 17:39


Symbolic Repetition

02/05/2016 15:34

Writing Style of the Papers in 2013

02/05/2016 15:23

The days when I was thinking of Energy Distance Theory

28/04/2016 17:12

Presupposition on Natural Language

27/04/2016 18:56

Sayama Assumption on Language

27/04/2016 18:54

Preparation for the energy of language

26/04/2016 20:22

Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s

29/08/2015 15:31

Road to Language Universals

29/08/2015 10:47

Under the Dim Light

29/08/2015 10:42

Short History of SRFL

28/08/2015 22:55

Read more:

Paper 2003-2021. SRFL Geometry stored

Paper 2003-2021


Energy of language Till 2015

30/10/2021 19:29

What is Ideogram? Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

30/10/2021 19:21

Article archive Theory and Paper 2003-2021

30/10/2021 19:15

Nerve Theory 2021

Letter to WPM and Sebastian. After Language Universals, After Linguistics 3 September 2021. PPS added 21 October 2021

21/10/2021 18:25

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019. Treanslated by Auto Google

19/10/2021 14:10

Abstract from Wellspring, Energy and Brownian Motion of Language 2008. Related Papers added 2020

19/10/2021 14:07

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. 2018. Note on David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 2020

19/10/2021 14:05

Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 7 June 2020

13/05/2021 17:42

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. 2018. Note on David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 2020

13/05/2021 17:09

Nerve theory Preparation 2021

10/05/2021 18:31

Word as Inifinite loop Space

06/05/2021 22:33

On dimension, synthesis, reversion, time, energy-distance, boundary, change’s power and structure

06/05/2021 19:47

Parts and Whole 2013

04/05/2021 18:30

Additional meaning and embedding

04/05/2021 17:59

Hyperbolic Language Connection of Words

04/05/2021 17:57

Diophantine Language Dimension of Words

04/05/2021 17:56

Letter to WPM. On Nerve Theory. 29 April 2021. References 1. 2. and 3. added 30 April 2021.

30/04/2021 18:33

Energy in language 2008-2009

30/04/2021 13:10

What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019

29/04/2021 19:51

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. 2018. Note on David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 2020

29/04/2021 16:27

Quantum-Signal 2020

Zoho Theory and Paper

12/08/2020 11:57

Quantum space through Poisson manifold’s deformation quantization by Kontsevich. Translated by Google translate

11/08/2020 18:40

Ideogram Paper 1-18 With Addition. Total Edition

11/08/2020 16:54

Paper 2019

Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Note, Note 2 and Note 3 added

18/02/2020 23:03

What is Ideogram? Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

16/11/2019 13:59

Quantum-Nerve Theory With References

14/10/2019 17:39

Ideogram Paper 1-15

14/10/2019 17:14

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

01/10/2019 19:56

Place where Quantum of Language Exists 2004-2008

30/09/2019 19:34

In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important themes and targets of mathematics for us all

25/09/2019 21:10

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003-2019 Newly revised edition with Note 3

16/08/2019 16:06

What is signal? Contents 24 April 2019

16/08/2019 16:02

What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019

16/08/2019 15:58

Energy in language 2008

01/05/2019 19:32

What is signal? Preface-Comment Edition 21 November 2018 - 13 April 2019

13/04/2019 18:00

What is signal? The existence that generates language Preface-Main Issue 3 / 17 March 2019

17/03/2019 18:38

ENSILA What is signal? Paper 1-6

11/03/2019 13:23

What is signal? Completed Zoho Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 22:31

What is signal? Preparation 2 / 8 Signal / Over Edition / 15 January 2019

15/01/2019 19:30

Site All

10 Extracts from Tale, Print, 2012

Sekinan View

Zoho Search

Zoho Site

Genealogical Tree 7th Edition



Paper Category

Paper Category Contents 2003-2018

14/08/2018 17:41

Paper Category

12/08/2018 23:39

QGL Paper

What is signal? The existence that generates language Preface, Preparation and Preparation 2 6 January 2019

06/01/2019 19:26

Language and Spacetime, Symmetry Flow Language and Symmetry Flow Language 2 Contents 2007

29/12/2018 22:27

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 29 December 2018 Preparation Over Edition

29/12/2018 19:10

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 21 December 2018 Edition

21/12/2018 22:06

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 13 December 2018 Edition

13/12/2018 17:38

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 6 December Edition

06/12/2018 16:02

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 1 December Edition

01/12/2018 17:19

Place where Quantum of Language Exists

01/12/2018 16:18

Macro Time and Micro Time

22/11/2018 13:49

Quantum Group Language Word Indexed and Word Synthesized

14/07/2018 18:41

QGL Preparation

Days Paper

Term Paper

Ideogram Paper Enlarged Edition

Theme Paper

Sekinan View Paper

Book Paper 2016

Concept Paper 2018

Ideogram Paper 2005-2018

Time Paper 2013-2014

From Hodge diamond of mirror symmetry by KONTSEVICH to mirror language

Preparatory Paper 2 for Quantum Group Theory

Quantum space through Poisson manifold's deformation quantization by Kontsevich

Ideogram Approach

Pre-history for Quantum Group Language

Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002 / I briefly wrote about the conjecture

Meaning minimum 2017 Edition On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcevskij and CHINO Eiichi

Operad Meaning Theory From Cell to Operad Revised Edition

Operad Meaning Theory From Cell to Operad

In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important themes and targets of mathematics for us all

Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language

Floer Homology Language Note 7 Quantization of Language

Symplectic Language Theory Note 6 Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH

Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry 7th edition

Paper 2

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008 adding their days and after

13/08/2018 22:23

The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory

13/08/2018 19:08

Concept Paper

04/08/2018 22:12

Basis of Study 2015

03/08/2018 19:57

File Till Spring 2007

31/07/2018 22:37

Methodical Paper

31/07/2018 18:45

Algebraic Geometry Appendix of Language Universal Models

31/07/2018 18:34

Language Universal Models

31/07/2018 12:21

Language Universal Models sekinanlum Edition

31/07/2018 12:11

Description 2013-2018

30/07/2018 20:04

For MAC LANE Saunders Categorical Approach toward Language 

29/07/2018 19:24

Zoho Site

29/07/2018 13:52

Derived Category Language

29/07/2018 13:31

Ideogram Paper

28/07/2018 23:50

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Contents

14/07/2018 12:21

Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language

13/07/2018 23:55

Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language

13/07/2018 23:47

Theory 2003-2016

13/07/2018 23:39

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

13/07/2018 23:11

Recent Themes 2014

11/07/2018 11:54

Character encloses the time of word

11/07/2018 11:36

Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics

09/07/2018 16:59

Perhaps Return to Physics TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory PDF Edition added

09/07/2018 16:34

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

06/07/2018 19:38

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018

04/07/2018 23:03


Lineation For CHOMSKY Noam 2005

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion 2014, 2018 and 2018 United Edition

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement 2014

From Additional Meaning to Dimension Decrease Conjecture Three Conjecture's Digest Edition 2018

Quantum Theory for Language Theoretical Summarization and Problem in Future

The Complete Works of WANG Guowei

Roger Penrose

John F. Nash, Jr.

Andre Martinet

Read Andre Weil

Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language

On Time Property Inherent in Characters

Concept of Distance

Presupposition on Natural Language

Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion

Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory. PDF Text added

Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory


The Days of Ideogram Ideogram from hieroglyph to LATEX Symbol List Note added Edition

Pre-history for Quantum Group Language

Simplicial Space Language Composition of Word

Noncommutative Distance Theory Note 2 C*-Algebra

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Conjecture 1 Finiteness in Infinity on Language

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Contents

Quantum Theory for Language

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Note added

Zoho paper by year

Paper of Zoho

Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition

Paper 2008-2015

Paper 2007-2008

Paper 2003-2006

Broad Language

Determination of concept, Broad Language

Letter to Y. Of the century of language

Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition


The comparison between 2003 and 2017 From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals

Energy of language

Manuscript 2003

Geometrization Language

Read more:

Posted by at  

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018. Translated by Google.

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018. Original Edition by Japanese.

From Author:
Google Translation has several ambiguous expressions by its automatism.
For preciseness, please refer to the original Japanese text if being possible.

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language



The "Quantum Theory of Language" shown below is a draft of the Quantum Theory for Language written in English, and was written at the Hakuba Alps Hotel in Hakuba, Nagano Prefecture in March 2003. This is the first time to announce. What I haven't published so far is that this draft was written in a hotel room with no material at all in a very short time, so its content is very intuitive and different from the usual discussion. Because it was quite radical for me. Moreover, the discussion ends halfway and remains unfinished. In the Quantum Theory for Language, which was written based on this draft for presentation at a symposium in December 2003, the purpose of the discussion is almost consistent, but the memory that made the expression more gentle is still clear. And remain. But now, when I read this draft back, the intuition and sharpness I was concerned about in 2003 was still deeply rooted in the essence of my linguistic theory, and it was almost a decade of mathematical linguistics. Looking back through the description, I have reaffirmed that some of the most important subjects I still have left to write are mostly those described in this draft. Quantization of language, appearance and disappearance of quantum, junction and hierarchy of quantum, quantum aggregate, progression and hierarchy of quantum group, positive quantum and negative quantum, meaning and energy of quantum. Both remain unknown and fascinating to me. In the future, I will return to the position of this draft again and spin my own thoughts again. Now that I am old, the essence precedes the form, and I will describe what I want to express most in the way that is most suitable for me. If some time is still left. The phrase that my teacher taught me when I was 20 is still alive. To the point where I'm about to fall into Yukimi.

It will be written in Tokyo on March 23, 2015.

23 March 2015
Sekinan Library 

Quantum theory of language

0 Introduction 

 Chinese, the main language in China, has a history of more than 2000 years of written language, that is, written language.

 "The Analects", which represents the Chinese classics, is a textual material left in modern times, but at the same time, it is said to strongly include the oral language at the time of compiling the book. (Kojiro Yoshikawa 1967)

 Here, I will try to analyze the language, which is related to both the written language (words) and the oral language (white story), mainly based on the example of "The Analects".  In Chinese, which is classified as an isolated language in the typology

of one language, one syllable has one meaning and one character, that is, Chinese character in principle.  Although syllables may form new meanings in succession, each syllable always possesses the original independent meaning and letters without modification, which basically modifies the inherent rules of language of Chinese. It has been retained throughout the long history without any syllables.  It is assumed that the grammatical function of Chinese is formed by the arrangement of each word, that is, the word order, without any pronunciation or external change of letters, but the internal principle of the word order, that is, the syntax, is still sufficient. It cannot be said that we have seen the clarification.  Here, "Theory", which is said to include both wording and white tales, is adopted for the Chinese language model, and the linguistic rules inherent in Chinese and the linguistic structure inherent in general languages are analyzed mainly by the approach of literary theory. It is something to try.

 Traditionally, the syntax of Chinese has been classified into two categories: syntactic expletive and syntactic expletive. The syntactic expletive is said to have a substantive meaning, while the syntactic expletive is used to complement the meaning possessed by the expletive.

 For example, in the first passage of "The Analects", "Gakusei Toki Noriyuki, Unexpletive Theory" (Sentence Example 1), "Study", "Time", "Xi", "Yuki", and "Theory" are generally mentioned. It is an expletive, and "meta", "non", and "乎" are syntactics.

 Here, one Chinese character that possesses one meaning is regarded as a language quantum having one meaning unit, and is assumed to be the smallest unit of the language.

 What has traditionally been categorized as a linguistic quantum usually has one unit of positive quantum. What has been syntactic expletive usually has one unit of negative quantum. One positive quantum is referred to as ℓ +, and one negative quantum is referred to as ℓ-.

 A one-positive quantum has kinetic propulsion energy and has the power to move the quantum forward. A negative quantum has kinetic absorption energy and has the power to absorb the motion of the quantum and stop or change it. A one-positive quantum stops or changes its own motion by joining to a one-negative quantum.

 According to Example 1 "Gakusei Tokiyuki, Fukui Theory", "Gaku" is changed by "Mitsu", and "Theory" is changed by "Fu", "Yu" and "Kou". The movement was changed and finally stopped.

 The kinetic energy of a positive quantum is usually always progressive and does not stop its motion until it joins a negative quantum.

 The motion absorption energy of the negative quantum usually has functions such as "pause", "direction change", and "stop".

 According to sentence example 1, "meta" is "pause", "non" and "亦" are "direction change", and "乎" is functioning as "stop".

 In summary, the quantum is the smallest unit of language with meaning and energy.


2 Appearance and extinction of

 quantum Quantum appears when a new meaning is requested to appear in the linguistic world. The request is made when a new meaning is needed to be added to the linguistic world. The relationship between utterances and letters in a language is generally preceded by utterances, but in languages such as Chinese where one syllable has one meaning, the letters that follow are imaginary along with the act of utterance. It would be possible to assume that it was requested as a form. That is, one meaning requires one specific form of identification. This act is natural as a human activity.

 Linguistic quanta emerge to add new meaning to the linguistic world. The energy possessed by the quantum is to add its new meaning to the linguistic world, and is inseparably combined with the new meaning.

 Quantum disappears when its meaning is no longer needed in the linguistic world. In sentence example 1, "non" originally meant "flower pistil ovary", but its true meaning disappeared early, and it only functioned in the linguistic world as an expletive meaning "cancellation". rice field.

 As indicated by this "non", syntactic expletives and syntactic expletsives are not clearly distinguished in Chinese, and mutual entry and conversion have been carried out constantly. That is, as mentioned above, quanta initially appeared to give new meaning to the linguistic world.

  Initially a positive quantum, the true word ends its role of giving meaning to the linguistic world, and its kinetic energy disappears. However, the traces of the formation and modification of the linguistic world by the kinetic energy of other quanta continue to receive motion or pressure from other quanta, and are given negative energy as quanta that accept the motion and survive in the linguistic world. Suppose you have something to do. In this way, negative quanta appear.

  Since the negative quantum that appears has negative energy, it absorbs the energy of the positive quantum and stops or changes its motion.

3 Quantum junctions and layers

 Two or more quanta join each other to form a new structure.

 According to sentence example 1 "Gakusei Tokiyuki, Confidential Theory", the quantum junction is as follows.

 <ℓ + ℓ-ℓ + ℓ + ℓ + ℓ-ℓ-ℓ + ℓ->

 Here, the positive quantum moves the meaning to the next quantum. Negative quanta absorb, stop or change the kinetic energy of the previous quantum.

 It is clear that "meta" and "乎" act as negative quanta to "stop" the structure, that is, the sentence, but the two negative quanta "non" and "亦" are the motions of the quantum. Suppose it is acting as a "change" of.

 According to traditional grammar, "non" and "亦" complement the meaning of "theory", but in this quantum theory, the back quantum receives the energy of the front quantum, so in the conventional explanation Cannot be processed.

 Here, "change" is to change the direction of the motion of the previous quantum. In this way, the motion of one positive quantum is transferred to another orbit. That is, positive quanta move in one orbit, but some "changed" negative quanta move that orbit to another, creating a new semantic structure.

 The trajectory is assumed to be a high-rise building with several floors as a model. Move from the "learn and sometimes learn" floor to another different floor.

  Here, "non" moves to the floor that denies "learning and sometimes learning", and "亦" moves this "learning and sometimes learning" to the floor of new possibilities. "乎" moves to the floor that casts doubt on this situation.

  This series of situations is modeled and illustrated.


 ↓ Metanori ↓


       ↓ 亦 Theory

          ↓ 乎

The famous passage of "The Analects", "Aritomo Jifurai" (The example is illustrated as follows.


   ↓ Jigen 4 Quantum and quantum aggregate code Chemical  quanta first appear as positive and their disappearance causes negative. Negative quanta are non-compressive quanta because they are meaningless in the group of positive quanta, so to speak, the semantic space once acquired as positive quanta. It is in a state of constant compression. It is assumed that the energy that is pushed out by the pump is stored in the negative quantum, and the orbit of the positive quantum is changed to move it to a different layer.  Therefore, according to this quantum theory . For example, all the kanji of the Chinese language, that is, the quantum having meaning and energy, can be encoded as follows.   Quantum  //   Meaning ℓ   Positive energy →  Negative energy ↓ The coding of "quantum" is as follows. / ℓ → /   / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → / / ℓ → / / ℓ → /            / ℓ ↓ /                 / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → /                 / ℓ ↓ /


Here, if / ℓ → / is represented by the number 1 and / ℓ ↓ / is represented by the number 0, "Gakusei Tokiyuki, Fukui Theory" can be digitized as 101110010.

Therefore, it can be said that the sentence example 1 "Gakusei Tokiyuki, Fukui Theory" is the structure of the linguistic quantum of [Progress 5, Layer 4]. This is referred to as [move5, class4].

Since "Aritomo self-distant coming" in sentence example 2 is


  ↓ self-distant coming

, it is coded as / ℓ

→ / / ℓ → / 

    / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → / / ℓ → / / ℓ → / , and further. It is digitized as 110111 . Its structure is [move5, class1]. Another example is a sentence from "The Analects". "Three-year unrevised father's road, so-called filial piety" (Example 3) / ℓ → / / ℓ → / / ℓ → / / ℓ → /            / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → /                / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → / / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → / / ℓ → /                  / ℓ ↓ / 111101010110 [move8, class5] 5 Progress in  quantum group and hierarchy See the degree of progress in one hierarchy in a sentence that is a quantum group. In sentence example 1, 5/4 is 0.8 degrees. In sentence example 2, 5 times is 5 degrees. In sentence example 3, 8/5 is 1.6 degrees. Here, we will consider what kind of index the one-level progress frequency is.

The degree of progress 1 is the ratio of syntactic expletive 1 to actual word 1 in the wording, and can be considered to be the clearest sentence in which one meaning exists in one layer.

Therefore, when the degree of progress is 1 or more, there are two or more meanings in one layer, and one meaning is defined in detail and a finer meaning is presented.

On the contrary, when the degree of progress is less than 1, one meaning is not presented in one layer, and the meaning is completed only by two or more layers, which is a supplementary meaning around one meaning. By adding the content, a more constructive meaning is established.

 Sentence example 1 is a 0.8 frequency sentence with a supplementary meaning added. Sentence example 2 is a 5th frequency, which is a sentence with a fine meaning. Sentence example 3 is 1.6 degrees, which is a sentence with almost standard or slightly finer rules.

6 Basic Principles of

 Quantum Theory Quantum theory is based on the fact that positive quanta, which is traditionally regarded as a real word, progresses in one layer. Therefore, in a certain quantum group, that is, a sentence, when a negative quantum is at the beginning, it can be considered that the positive quantum or the quantum group is omitted before it.

It is said that the negative quantum changes the traveling direction of the positive quantum and shifts to a new hierarchy due to the compression energy received by the negative quantum, but it can be explained more accurately as follows.

The meaning of "ya", which is generally regarded as an expletive, is unclear in modern times, and it can be considered that it has almost disappeared as a positive quantum. Instead, the syntactic expletive function as a negative quantum has emerged and continues to the present day, but if the function is subdivided, it is extremely diverse, such as assertion, subject presentation, call, mourning, question, and irony.

For example, in "Kaiya Foolishness" ("The Analects"), the person "Kai" is denied (and the hierarchy changes) in the heart of Confucius (the hierarchy changes). (The hierarchy changes) "The kind of confucius" is presented. "

The hierarchy changes" means that the person "time" was transformed from a real person to a consideration object in Confucius's mind by the appearance of "ya", and the consideration object is " It means that it is erased by "impairment", and it means that a new concept of "foolishness" appears.

That is, the negative quantum does not have a direct meaning to the linguistic world that the positive quantum has, but it is a kind of vacuum weightlessness by guiding the positive quantum to its own region that is no longer blank as a matter of fact. It is assumed that the state is brought to life and its orientation is changed. It is assumed that the energy required for the conversion comes from the energy of the pressure applied to the area. 

7 Meaning of Negative Quantum The meaning of

 a negative quantum is often much more subtle than the meaning of a positive quantum, as is clear from the above-mentioned classification of the meaning of "ya". How can these meanings be considered to have emerged?

 It was assumed that the negative quantum extinguished its function as a real word and had a kind of vacuum region, but once the meaning of assertion was established here, the meaning of the positive quantum that was previously joined to this "ya" , The vacuum region will show a constant reaction. For example, when a person's name such as "time" is joined before, "ya" functions as a subject presentation, which is a transformation of affirmative semantic function.

8 Energy of negative quanta

 It has already been described in "2 Appearance and disappearance of quanta" that the energy of positive quanta is given to add a new meaning to the linguistic world, but here there is a negative quantum.


22 December 2017

This manuscript was written at a hotel of Hakuba, Nagano, Japan in March 2003, where my family stayed for hot spring and ski. In autumn 2002, I thought of relationship between time and characters inspired by WANG Guowei's paper written on old Chinese character's studies, one of which he declared that character heng 亙 was imaged from a ship coming and going the banks. This character contained the notation of the continuous time of ship operation between the banks.

But if character contain the time going, character seemed to have any existence of inherent energy in it.

Note 229 June 2018

Definition of quantum in this manuscript was intuitive while in my mind there was rather precise image that was not able to write by mathematical approach in the days of 2003.Now the situation has been changed drastically through development of  quantum group. Particularly from the Drinfeld's speech at the international mathematician conference in 1984.

I wrote the simple trial paper on quantum group in 2008.

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group2008Papers related on the pre-thought on quantum group is seen at SRFL Lab.SRFL Lab's Preparatory paper 

Inherent energy in language has been become a little updated after writing in 2003.

Now arranged at the next.



  1. Potential of Language  2009
  2. The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory   2014
  3. Preparation for the energy of language  2015

20 June 2018
Sekinan Zoho


29 June 2018

Read more:


Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 2003-2018. The original Japanese Edition.

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language



以下に示す「言語の量子理論」は、英文で書かれたQuantum Theory for Language の草稿となるもので、2003年3月に長野県白馬の白馬アルプスホテルで書かれたものである。発表するのは今回が初めてである。いままで発表しなかったのは、この草稿がまったく資料のないホテルの部屋できわめて短時間のうちに書かれたものであり、そのためその内容が非常に直感的で、通常の論考とは異なる、私にとってはかなり先鋭的なものであったためである。しかも論考は途中で終わり未完のままである。2003年12月に或るシンポジウムで発表するためにこの草稿をもとに書き上げたQuantum Theory for Languageでは、論考の趣旨はほぼ一貫しながらもその表現をより穏やかなものにした記憶がいまもはっきりと残っている。しかし現在この草稿を読み返してみると、私が2003年当時気にした直感性や先鋭さは、やはり私の言語論の本質に深く根ざしたものであり、ほぼ十年におよぶ言語に関する数学的な記述を経て振り返ると、私が今なお書き残しているもっとも重要ないくつかの主題は、ほぼこの草稿に記されたものであることを私はあらためて確認するに至っている。言語の量子化、量子の出現と消滅、量子の接合と階層、量子集合体、量子群の進行と階層、陽性量子と陰性量子、量子の意味とエネルギー。いずれも私にとって、依然として未知であり魅惑的であり続ける。今後私はふたたびこの草稿の位置にもどり、あらためてみずからの思考を紡いてゆくことになるであろう。老年の今となっては、本質は形態に先行し、もっとも表現したいものを、私にとってそれにもっともふさわしい方法で記述してゆくこととなるであろう。いくばくかの時間がなお残されているのであればだが。二十歳のころ恩師が教えてくれた句は今もそのまま生きている。いざゆかん雪見にころぶところまで。


23 March 2015

Sekinan Library  



0 はじめに 


 中国古典を代表する『論語』は、現代に残された文字資料であるが、同時に同書編纂当時の口頭言語を強く含んでいるとされる。(吉川幸次郎 1967年)


1 言語の量子化
















2 量子の出現と消滅







3 量子の接合と階層



 < ℓ+ ℓ- ℓ+ ℓ+ ℓ+ ℓ- ℓ- ℓ+ ℓ->
















4 量子と量子集合体の符号化



  量子 /  /

  意味 ℓ

  陽性エネルギー  →

 陰性エネルギー  ↓



  /ℓ↓/ /ℓ→/ /ℓ→/ /ℓ→/


                /ℓ↓/ /ℓ→/








/ℓ→/ /ℓ→/ 

    /ℓ↓/ /ℓ→/ /ℓ→/ /ℓ→/






/ℓ→/ /ℓ→/ /ℓ→/ /ℓ→/

           /ℓ↓/  /ℓ→/

               /ℓ↓/  /ℓ→/

/ℓ↓/  / ℓ→/  /ℓ→/


111101010110   [move8,class5]

5 量子群における進行と階層








6 量子理論の基本原理







7 陰性量子の意味



8 陰性量子のエネルギー

 陽性量子のエネルギーは、新しい意味を言語世界に付加するために与えられたものであることは、すでに「2 量子の出現と消滅」において記述したが、ここでは陰性量子が有するエネルギーについて詳述する。


22 December 2017

This manuscript was written at a hotel of Hakuba, Nagano, Japan in March 2003, where my family stayed for hot spring and ski. In autumn 2002, I thought of relationship between time and characters inspired by WANG Guowei's paper written on old Chinese character's studies, one of which he declared that character heng 亙 was imaged from a ship coming and going the banks. This character contained the notation of the continuous time of ship operation between the banks.

But if character contain the time going, character seemed to have any existence of inherent energy in it.

Note 229 June 2018

Definition of quantum in this manuscript was intuitive while in my mind there was rather precise image that was not able to write by mathematical approach in the days of 2003.Now the situation has been changed drastically through development of quantum group. Particularly from the Drinfeld's speech at the international mathematician conference in 1984.

I wrote the simple trial paper on quantum group in 2008.

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group 2008

Papers related on the pre-thought on quantum group is seen at SRFL Lab.

SRFL Lab's Preparatory paperInherent energy in language has been become a little updated after writing in 2003.

Now arranged at the next.



  1. Potential of Language  2009
  2. The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory   2014
  3. Preparation for the energy of language  2015

20 June 2018
Sekinan Zoho


29 June 2018

Read more:

SRFL Theory


Theory 2003 - 2016


  1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters


  1. Quantum Theory for Language
  2. Distance Theory
  3. Prague Theory
  4. Reversion Theory
  5. Mirror Theory
  6. Mirror Language
  7. Guarantee of Language
  8. Property of Quantum
  9. Quantification of Quantum
  10. Actual Language and Imaginary Language
  11. Guarantee of language
  12. Place where quantum of language exists
  13. Actual language and imaginary language
  14. Property of quantum
  15. Quantification of quantum  
  16. Direction
  17. Uniformity


  1. Changeability
  2. Individuality
  3. Time
  4. Fixation
  5. Grammar
  6. Substantiality
  7. Frame
  8. Recognition
  9. Ideogram
  10. Conversation
  11. Descriptiveness
  12. Lineation
  13. System
  14. Automaton
  15. Vector


  1. Algebraic Linguistics


  1. Clifford Algebra
  2. Energy Distance Theory
  3. Functional Analysis
  4. Holomorphic Meaning Theory
  5. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra
  6. Operator Algebra
  7. Reversion Analysis Theory
  8. Stochastic Meaning Theory
  9. von Neumann Algebra
  10. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory


  1. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
  2. Language Manifold Theory
  3. Topological Group Language Theory
  4. Symplectic Language Theory
  5. Floer Homology Language
  6. Arithmetic Geometry Language


  1. Imaginary Language
  2. Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
  3. Time of WANG Guowei
  4. Stable and Unstable of Language


  1. Projective Space Model
  2. Diophantine Language
  3. Hyperbolic Language
  4. Grassmann Language
  5. Grassmann Language 2
  6. Birational Language
  7. Dual Language
  8. Infinite Loop Space Language


  1. Homotopy Language         
  2. Operad Meaning Theory
  3. Arithmetic Geometry Language 2


  1.  Algebraic Geometry Language


  1. Flow, Time and Dimension of Language
  2. Energy of language


  1. Derived Category Language

 Read more: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SRFL Theory shows the update research result for language universals at Sekinan Library.New theory, Quantum-Nerve Theory  is now preparing for the total language model of natural language's radical root.


Sekinan Library 

which was founded in 1986 at Tokyo for the study of language universals.



Which was founded in 2003 for the study of language's mathematica basis   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Quantum-Nerve TheoryPart 1 Making nerve's mathematical model preparationWhat is signal? The existence that generates languagePreface, Preparation, Preparation 2, References, Main Issue 1-5,  Anticipation - FAQand Comment
Contents Edition
21 November 2018 - 24 April 2019TANAKA  AkioSekinan LibraryTokyoOriginal Title 

  What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve  For father and mother    Quantum-Nerve TheoryPart 2Physical mathematics from algebraic quantum group0Inspiration The Time of Quantum 2008Letter to C. 3 May 2019  2019  1Quantum Theory for Language 2004Place where Quantum of language Exists 2004
Frame-Quantum Theory 2005
Frame-Quantum-Time Theory 2005Quantum Warp Theory Warp 2005Quantum Linguistics Solidity and Flexibility 2006Quantum Language Substantiality of Language 2006  21.Clifford Algebra Note 1 From Super Space to Quantization 2008

2. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group 2008

3. Symplectic Language Theory Note 6 Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH 2009

4. Floer Homology Language Note 7 Quantization of Language 20095. Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language 20096. Simplicial Space Language  Composition of Word 201331. Floer Homology Language 20092. Homology Structure of Word 20093. Quantization of Language 20094. Discreteness of Language 20095. Proto Arithmetic Geometry Language 20096.Language, Word, Distance, Meaning and Meaning Minimum 2009  4

1. Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Note added 2003

2. Quantum Theory for Language 2004

3. Quantum Theory for Language  Theoretical Summarization and Problem in Future 20044. Noncommutative Distance Theory  Note 2  C*-Algebra20075. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra 2008                                                                                          -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Site Classification 2020
SRFL GroupSRFL Nerve - Nerve Theory PortalANIF - Story. Resting Elbows Nearly Prayer. 2007
LT Pen - Story. To Winter. 2015
Papa Wonderful - Story. Papa Wonderful. 1999
SRFL Collection - Energy Preparation
SRFL Collection - Theory Introdaction
SRFL Essay - Essay Garner by Search Button
SRFL Lab - Signal Preparation
SRFL Paper - Paper Garner by Search Button
SRFL Theory - Theory Garner by Search Button
Geometrization Language - Geometrization Preparation
 Sekinan GroupSekinan Library - Founded 1986
Sekinan Research Field of Language - Founded 2003
Sekinan Study
Sekinan Essay
Sekinan Paper
Sekinan Archaeology - Levi-Strauss Claude
Sekinan MathBasis - Linguistic Circle of Prague
Sekinan Ideogram - Ideogram
Quantum-Nerve Theory - Quantum-Nerve Theory
SQGL - Quantum Group 

New Sekinan GroupSekinan Library - Study Summary
Sekinan Fresh - Essay Selected
Sekinan Table - Essay. Paper. Theory Listed
Sekinan Story - Story Commentated
Sekinan Energy - Energy-Nerve Theory. Nerve 1
Sekinan Nerve - Geometrization-Nerve Theory. Nerve 3
Sekinan Signal - Signal-Nerve Theory. Nerve 2

SIL News

Website GroupENSILA

SRFL News - Paper Garner 2 by Search Button
Sekinan Energy - Energy-Nerve Theory. Nerve 1
Sekinan Nerve - Geometrization-Nerve Theory. Nerve 3
Sekinan Signal - Signal-Nerve Theory. Nerve 2
Sekinan Table - Paper Gerbner by Search Button
Sekinan View
atbankofdam - Paper Gerbner 3 by Search Button


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Leading Paper

  1. Langauge between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace

1-2. Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace / Print Edition. PDF

2. Derived Category Language

3.Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition 

4.The Days of Ideogram5. The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory6. Homology Language   


  1. Under the Dim Light
  3. Homology Language
  5. Theory Contents
  7. Theory 2003 - 2016
  9. Zoho Paper
  11. Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory
  13. Appendix
  15. Sekinan Table. Sekinan Library
  17. SRFL Paper
  19. What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 22 December 2018
  21. What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 29 December 2018 Preparation Over Edition
  23. Language and Spacetime
  25. Symmetry Flow Language and Symmetry Flow Language 2 Contents 2007 Reprint 2018
  27. What is signal? Preparation 2 Signal 8 / Over Edition / 15 January 2019
  29. The Days of Ideogram
  31. 23 July 2016 Edition
  33. SRFL
  35. language universals
  37. Sergej Karcevskij
  39. CHINO Eiichi
  41. Linguistic Circle of Prague
  43. WANG Guowei
  45. distance
  47. Preparation for the energy of language
  49. Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture
  51. Symplectic Language Theory
  53. Derived Category Language 1 Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture / References added
  55. Derived Category Language
  57. Perhaps Return to Physics
  59. Quantum-Nerve Theory With References

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